by Kathy Savolt -
The Flood Mitigation Report at the May 13th Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting was predominantly a report on ongoing projects and grant applications. However, there is information on some new initiatives.
Center Avenue Pedestrian Bridge
The new Waverly Avenue bridge will include pedestrian walkways, so the Center Avenue bridge will no longer be necessary once the Waverly Ave bridge is completed. At the May 10th regular meeting with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the group decided to begin the design for the removal of the pedestrian bridge so demolition could begin as soon as the Waverly Avenue bridge is complete. That is currently estimated to be Summer 2025.
Home Elevations
The Village hired Roderick Scott of Flood Mitigation Solutions to aid property owners with applications to FEMA for grants to help fund home elevations. Scott was in Mamaroneck this past weekend and Deputy Village Manager Dan Sarnoff reported that there were 35 interested applicants so far.
FEMA Buyback Program
The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Acquisition Program, also known as the FEMA Buyback Program, is designed to prevent repetitive losses and help flood survivors seek new housing after a disaster. The buyback allows the community to purchase the property, with FEMA funding, and demolish or relocate any structures on the property.
This program is only available to property owners within a Special Flood Hazard Area, as designated on a Flood Insurance Rate Map.
The details of this program are somewhat vague, and Sarnoff reported that the Village was just beginning to explore its efficacy.
