The Mamaroneck Observer was founded with the clear purpose of delivering fair, factual, and fearless reporting to all residents. These words were carefully chosen and reflect our commitment to responsible journalism.
Running a community newspaper is a challenging endeavor. While our mission is to provide factual reporting on important issues, we also remember that we are part of the community and that our reporting may sometimes be difficult for our neighbors to accept, regardless of our intentions.
We have spent countless hours considering how to handle uncomfortable stories about elected officials. It is important to note that we take no pleasure in reporting on these matters. We are clear and steadfast about our mission to report facts. Documents were carefully redacted to not reveal any other party involved.
Public officials are held to a higher standard because of their role in shaping laws, budgets, and policies that impact our community. As a result, news about them becomes part of the public domain. We hold all elected officials to the same standards of fact-reporting.
As we continue to grow and strive for improvement, we pause to reflect on a difficult decision we recently made - one that we stand by. By reporting on a story about a trustee that was already public knowledge and circulating as rumors, we ensured that our reporting remained unbiased, and we provided Trustee Rawlings with an opportunity to present his side of the story alongside the existing public facts.
Local news reporting is all about transparency. We are one community, and we can learn from each issue that we approach with balance and care. Our commitment to serving our great community remains steadfast, and we look forward to continuing to do so.