Food Service Law Amendments
At the Work Session the Board continued their review of Proposed Local Law L – 2024 which attorney Robert Spolzino described as a simplified version of the existing law regarding food service establishments on Mamaroneck Avenue (C-2 zoning district) to achieve three goals: to remove the 200 foot prohibition between food service establishments so the law conforms to current practices; to exempt “low impact” food service establishments (e.g., ice cream shops and delis) from onerous special permit requirements; and to make “housekeeping” amendments consistent with both Village and Westchester County Administrative Codes. See memo HERE.
Bark Park to Open to Non-Residents
The Board of Trustees (BOT) heard from staff that although not a lot of granular detail on who is using the dog park and times of peak use, it was reported that 390 fobs were sold to residents in the past year. While it has been established that usage of Harbor Island Park may not ban non-Village residents from the facilities, the Village may charge non-residents an annual fee greater than those charged to residents. After much back and forth the BOT settled on a non-resident fee of $52 each year. Residents pay $26 each year. No more than 75 non-resident fobs will be available annually.
Landlord Registration of Apartments
Trustee Lou Young acknowledged that this is a controversial issue, but the topic should be discussed. (The current budget includes revenue of $50,000 in fees but no legislation was passed nor was a method to collect it developed.) He stated that a landlord registration – with or without a registration fee – has value and could be a tool for the Village to deal with illegal apartments. He also stated it could help make sure that renters were residing in safe conditions and be a tool to lend “enforcement muscle”. Interim Village Manager Chuck Strome pointed out that if a landlord has an illegal apartment they would likely not register it. He went on to point out that any program would take a significant amount of time to develop as there is not enough information available to do so now. Village Attorney Bob Spolzino pointed out the constitutional constraints that arise when trying to enforce the laws around landlord/tenant matters. Additionally, he explained that the Village may not develop a fee-based program (such as an apartment registration law) to support the general fund. In other words, any fees charged by the Village must be applied to the cost of the program.
Rats, Rats, Rats
Several residents spoke during the public comment period noting that rats had again become a problem in neighborhoods all across the Village. Interim Village Manager Chuck Strome promised to look into it.
Drug Activity and Prostitution in Washingtonville
Residents also spoke about drug use and prostitution in and around the Washingtonville neighborhood, including at Columbus Park where some were now reticent to bring their children. The Village was encouraged to focus on enforcement of the laws currently on the books.
Sportime Agreement Passed
The BOT agreed to a three year contract with Sportime to run the recreation program at Harbor Island Park. Sportime will make up to $225,000 in improvements to the facility which would include additional work to contain the red clay that washes off the courts. The Village must approve all proposed improvements. The agreement also includes providing additional pickleball courts, tennis instruction for campers and a significant discount for Village residents.
Capital Budget to Be Developed
After much urging from the Budget Committee the Village will now develop a capital budget. Department Heads have been asked to prepare projection worksheets, and although a capital budget is best developed at the same time as the operating budget, it’s better late than never. A capital budget will schedule the implementation and funding of long-term projects, help the Village determine priorities and control tax increases.
