by Kathy Savolt -
At the October 15, 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees (BOT), the Board was faced with a bill for $370,183 that was unexpected.
Over the course of his tenure, former Village Manager Jerry Barberio bypassed the competitive bidding processes mandated by New York State Law several times by declaring “emergencies.” Under State General Municipal Law, Section 103 (4), “in the case of a public emergency arising out of an accident or other unforeseen occurrence or condition whereby circumstances affecting public buildings, public property or the life, health, safety or property of the inhabitants … require immediate action which cannot await competitive bidding … contracts … may be let by the appropriate officer.”
Eight capital projects from 2022 and 2023 undertaken under emergency circumstances but never funded by the BOT, were found by Assistant Treasurer Laura Vasami. These projects ranged from $8,622 to repair a sewer line near the bait shop to $141,188 to clear a blockage of a sewer main on Saxon Drive. These projects will be funded by the issuance of debt and/or from the Village’s reserve fund. The resolution approving the funding passed 5 – 0 (See HERE).
In addition to funding these old projects, the BOT also approved $48,000 for emergency mold remediation due to a leak at The Regatta. Village employees were relocated for approximately six weeks and have just moved back into their offices.
The BOT also approved $141,355 for two Parks Department pickup trucks. These trucks were purchased following regular procurement procedures.
Since the Village does not have an approved capital budget, the BOT has little information when asked to fund capital projects. Neither the BOT nor the public was provided with a running total of capital expenditures so far this fiscal year – whether budgeted or not.
Interest expenses on all debt will show up in the operating budget which is largely funded by property taxes.
