Thank you, MEMS!
The Mamaroneck Emergency Medical Service is celebrating its 50th anniversary! Staffed mostly by volunteers, MEMS answers about 2,000 calls per year serving the Village of Mamaroneck and providing mutual aid to neighboring communities. Because their ambulances are fully funded by donations, MEMS staff is constantly in a five-year cycle to raise money for a new ambulance. Costs have risen almost 40% and a new ambulance is estimated to cost $280K which translates to raising over $50,000 each year. Their annual November mailing to 10,000 Village addresses usually results in 450 contributions. They are researching available grants and you can help by donating. You definitely want an ambulance to be available when you need one! Donate HERE.
Comprehensive Plan
The BOT voted 5-0 to adopt the Comprehensive Plan, with some minor revisions. See adopted Plan HERE and previous Observer article HERE.
Rat Patrol
Village Manager Jerry Barberio reported that the efforts to control the rat problem are continuing and progress has been made. They are using carbon dioxide (CO2) to clear burrows and then applying Nature’s Defense, described by its manufacturer as an “organic animal behavior modification scent.” Comprised of oils and herbs that repel rodents. It is eco-friendly and non-toxic.
Barberio reported that the Village and cooperative residents are cleaning up properties. The Village has issued 40 Orders to Remedy and has removed 8 abandoned vehicles, 2 dilapidated sheds, 3 log piles, and uncounted amounts of debris. All residents and properties are encouraged to use garbage cans and make sure they have lids.
Ethics Board Investigation Funding
An item under New Business (Item 4J) was presented by Mayor Murphy as a request from the Ethics Board for up to $10,000 to hire an outside entity to assist in an ethics investigation. The Ethics Board is empowered by Village Code Section 21-10 C (5) to “conduct hearings, recommend disciplinary action, assess penalties, make referrals, and initiate appropriate actions and proceedings.” The Ethics Board has no budget line and therefore had to ask the Board of Trustees to fund their request. In a roll call vote the request passed with 4 votes.Trustee Leilani Yizar-Young abstained.